I wasn't as nervous on surgery day, as I had been for the weeks leading up to it. My husband was with me, and he did a great job keeping me preoccupied. It’s always good to laugh and be of good spirits before something like this.
I’m the type of person that has to watch when I’m getting a shot, a piercing, a tattoo, having blood drawn; basically anything that requires needles. I hate them, and I need to watch while it’s going on! No Surprises. So, naturally, I was dreading getting the i.v inserted. To my horror, the nurse starting swabbing my hand while my doctor was talking to us about the procedure and release information. I looked at her like she was crazy. She then proceeded to give me a shot, that I’m not going to lie, hurt a fair amount for such a small shot. She told me she was numbing my hand. Why??!!! Because she was placing a large I.V. in my tiny tiny vein ( I have very thing small hands). I felt a little queasy feeling the pressure of i.v. go in. I didn’t hear a word of what my doctor said during that point. Once she was done, I was relieved. I said, “That’s the worst part to me, and it’s over.”
Side note: It’s been 13 days, and I still have the scab where the I.V. was inserted. It also hurt really bad when the nurse took it out after surgery, and it bled a good amount.
Not too long later the anesthesiologist came in to talk to me again. He then handed me a bottle of nose spray, and told me since I was going to have tubes in my nose that I needed to be clear. I HATE NOSE SPRAY! I never use it, because I hate it. It took me a good 5 minutes to get it done. I coughed and gagged. It was so embarrassing, but at least the anesthesiologist and my husband got a good laugh. He then gave me something in my I.V that “would make me more relaxed before he took me back to the surgery room.” Let’s just say, my husband has a nice video of me rambling about “cocktails and looking high” that I don’t remember at all.
The surgery went well. I had a hard time staying awake before being discharged. I could hear myself snoring every time I started dozing back off. The pain starting setting in about 5 minutes after they brought my husband to me. I was prepared for bad pain, but I wasn’t prepared for THIS pain. It was excruciating. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, and I almost cried a few times. The nurse crushed up a pain pill and put it in apple juice. It was so hard to swallow and to get the tube attached to the syringe passed my swollen cheek. My throat is was hurt the most. It was extremely sore from the tubes that were down my throat. I couldn’t wait to get home and try to sleep.
The entire rest of the day was rough. I wanted to cry several times, but I was honestly afraid that crying would make it more painful. It was the worst thing. I’ve never experienced this level of pain. Maybe, it’s because it was my face and throat. I’ve been through childbirth three times, and that was more acceptable than this. I didn’t cry during labor and delivery!
As far as taking medication and drinking liquids, the antibiotic I was given burned like hell. I dreaded taking it. I am allergic to an assortment of antibiotics, so I could only take Clindamycin.
Of course, this is just my experience. I’m sure it wasn’t so bad for other people.

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