The swelling has gone down considerably. I can almost “spit”, so everything is a lot less messy. I’m, for the most part, back to do normal everyday things. I’m cooking and doing light cleaning. Going to the store, caused me some mild pain. I think it’s because I had to talk more since I was out in public. It makes my jaw feel sore and tired, which in turn, hurts.
By this point I don’t really need any kind of medication. Every day is different. I have my good days where I don’t need anything. Any kind of discomfort I feel is completely tolerable. Then I have days where ( usually the days when I’m more talkative and busy), and I might need something for the pain, mainly Ibuprofen. My weight went back up by 2 lbs, since I’ve been able to “eat” comfortably. I blend soups, drink Boost, Muscle Milk, and Cream of Wheat. I can take in yogurt, but it’s a nightmare to see, and a huge mess.
I’m still using warm compresses, at least once a day. It feels good, and I still have some swelling. I’m not self-conscious about going out in public anymore, because my lips and cheeks are fairly normal. My sutures have fallen out by now. I "spit" one out, and I watched the other wash down the drain after swishing. Yuck!

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